Contemplative Leadership
Spiritual Leadership
We are spiritual beings. Within us all is a spiritual nature, an energy flow, connecting all.
Each of us, though, uniquely experiences the energy and our spiritual nature differently.
I experience it most vividly in nature, and describe it like a deep ocean current that flows also through the forests, across the mountains and over the deserts. I sense it unified in attraction and love, and bound within my deepest values and sense of purpose. It is a connection to something greater than myself.
I find this unifying love in all traditions of spirit wisdom seekers - Yahweh, Brahma, God, The Great Spirit. I respect all seekers across traditions; though I am most experienced in Christianity, Buddhism, and indigenous spirituality.
Our spiritual nature can be accessed with intention; and I do Spiritual Leadership growth with a small number of individuals seeking a spiritual solution to something being experienced, or simply clarification, better understanding and stronger relationship with their spirituality.
Multi Faith Spirituality
I welcome spiritual seekers of all traditions and culture. I also believe that our Ultimate Reality to which we have given various names such as Divine, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit is not limited by any name or concept.
And I believe that the potential for human wholeness – enlightenment, salvation, transcendence, transformation, blessedness – is present in every human being.
My own background is Roman Catholicism. I’ve trained in Ignatian Spiritual Directon. I am a student of the Buddhism, Multi-Faith Spiritual Direction, and have undertaken studies in Energy Healing and Indigenous Spirituality.
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
- Edith Wharton